Re photography, Ipswich Docks

In 2017, Fiona rediscovered some old photos of Ipswich Docks, in Suffolk, from The Ipswich Maritime Trust.

In order to do re photography the photo needs to be taken at the exact same place as the original image and the same time of day.

Fiona found this a challenging yet enjoyable project it was something she hadn't tried before yet she would like do this again, as it makes you think more about how the image was taken.

Ipswich Docks                                                                       Ipswich Docks, 2017

Mortimers Wharf


New Custom House, c.1846


The Custom House, Side View

Mortimers Wharf, 2017

Bridge, 2017

Old Custom House, 2017

imgA838, 2017

Old Custom House, Side View, 2017

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